The painting on the right is Bob looking out over a wetland area that we visited this morning. I just started it today. I like having several going at once so that while one is drying I can work on another one.
These are promising beginnings. If it rains this weekend as it is supposed to do, I will work in the studio and get these two paintings done. Keep checking back. I'd like some critiques when they are done.
I am off to print group and we will be talking about your excellent adventure. Thanks for the wonderful entries on the blog. It is great to share vicariously in your experience.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ruth Ann. My thoughts were with The Penns Woods Printmakers today. I'll look forward to seeing everyone again in August. Right now I am carefully looking at the oil paintings waiting to hear what they want me to do next. I think that streak of alizarin right over there needs blended and the shape at the bottom center needs to be a darker value. After that---I don't know what next--but when I get there, I'll know (I hope).--D