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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!!!!

Here are some pictures from my studio. I worked outside for two hours and got a couple of pastels started. I worked on them back at the studio this afternoon. I am happy with what I was able to get done today. We are going to watch the Bar Harbor fireworks from somewhere along the Schoodic coastline across from Bar Harbor. I want to start an oil painting tomorrow and finish the pastels. There is so much to see here, but I think right now I need to interpret what I have seen through my art. Next week we will hit the big island again on Tuesday. Bob scoped out some other good hikes for me here on Schoodic. Happy 4th of July from Schoodic Penninsula!!!!!


  1. Hey mom,
    Updated your website. Contact info and Gallery are up and running... let me know what else you might need.. BTW - if you want any more paintings put onto the gallery, just e-mail me the image and description of the medium and what you have titled it and I can come in to town and do that for you...


  2. Wow! You are inspired!!!!! Love what I am seeing! Your blog with its vivid images is exciting. Your Maine sensibility makes me happy! Mega brill!
